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Weather related closures:  Master’s Manna is closed when Wallingford Public Schools are closed.

Details of our clothing and light housewares program can be found in the “Our Programs” section of the website.

Donation of Goods


Master’s Manna is deeply appreciative of every donation received.  We gladly receive donations  at 428 South Cherry Street,  Monday ~ Friday: 9am to noon

Donations are received by our volunteers on the north side of the building.    Simply follow posted signage.

The following items are accepted with pleasure:

FOOD:  Non-perishable foods, fresh vegetables from your garden, food prepared in a LICENSED kitchen that has NOT been compromised (ie – opened, placed on and served from a buffet, etc.), 

PERSONAL care and  hygiene items and diapers (for infant/toddler and adult use)

For Public Convenience, there are several locations off-site where non-perishable foods may be donated.

(East Side)  5 Ice Pond Road, Wallingford                                        (24 /7)  non-perishable food only

(West Side)  21 Haller Avenue, Yalesville                                (24/7)   non-perishable food only

(Center)  WPAA-TV  28 So Orchard St, Wallingford           (24/7)   non-perishable food only    

(Center) Wallingford Grange  586 Center St, Wallingford    (24/7)   non-perishable food only  

East Center Market, Center Street, Wallingford                   (During their regular business hrs) non-perishable food only

Stop & Shop, North Colony Road, Wallingford  North Exit                    (During their regular business hrs) non-perishable food only

Due to space restrictions, we are unable to accept the donation of the following items:

~ Furniture (in any condition)       ~ Tires

~  Televisions                                     ~  Computers/Monitors

~  Electronics                                     ~  Mattresses/Box Springs

~  Used Paint                                     ~  Bags of Trash

~  Used Fire Extinguishers              ~  Out of season clothing

We respectfully request donations be made only during posted hours.  Dropping donations when the facility is not open and unattended may result in damage and ruined goods due to unpredictable weather conditions.

DUMPING will not be tolerated

Master’s Manna does not have financial resources to serve as a “dump” for the general public. There are monitoring facilities installed around the building to record improper activity and dumping. These actions will be noted and forwarded to the appropriate authority for action.

Your compassion and concern for the limitations of our financial resources is appreciated.  Your willingness to follow the donation policy means Master’s Manna is able to focus the use of all resources to provide for the needs of the community.

Your compliance is anticipated and welcome.                              We thank you in advance for your cooperation.   




