February STATS
We know that many of you love numbers (I am not one of those people ~ all Greek to me)!
- 1368 Unduplicated individuals received food through the Food Pantry
- 2 trucks are on the road 5 day a week reclaiming food from local food vendors
- 38,134 POUNDS of food (free that would have been thrown away) was reclaimed, sorted and distributed
- An additional 17,733 POUNDS of food (some purchased) was delivered by CT Food Bank and distributed
- 6900 POUNDS of clothing donated, sorted and dispensed in the Market
- Enough food was distributed to supply 1,368 individuals with enough food to prepare 49,248 MEALS
- 2750 MEALS were prepared and served through the Family Dining Center
- 2037.75 hours of volunteer time was documented